Have you ever wonder why some fast food chains have their logos on very tall posts that can be seen miles away from your car windows? Have you ever wonder why billboards become staple advertising campaign materials and remained popular in today’s modern world? Or why led message boards are made big and colourful? Have you also wonder why there are big banners outside the mall saying “50% off on all items” when you can find a similar but smaller one at every shelf inside the store?
All of these questions have one ultimate answer and that is “visibility”. The first goal of every advertising campaign is to create awareness. People, especially the target audience must know the existence of a brand or service. What better way there is to create awareness than to be loud and visible, right? It has always been our main goal as a signage company in Singapore. We believe that to be seen and to be heard is always the first step to acceptance. Therefore, we make sure that our sticker printing in Singapore carries the same principle, bold and loud.
Large format sticker fits that mold very well. When we say large format sticker, we mean really large. It refers to those billboard size stickers you often see on glass windows and walls of buildings. We do large format sticker printing in Singapore for many businesses. It offers a great advertising opportunity for offices that are located on top floors of buildings. Passersby will surely notice your large format sticker when you display it on your office window by the streets.
Nanyang Advertising is geared towards helping small to large businesses in achieving success on their marketing and advertising campaign by providing effective campaign materials. We ensure that our large format stickers are highly durable and very well printed that they can withstand weathering and other pollution in the aira.